Monday, August 15

ima in sch now.
aS usuaL bLoGgiNg my tiMe aWay...

aNyhoO. i weNt oUt witH tEreNce hOney oN natiOnAL dAy tO tOwN oN a TRAIN!!! well it wAs oUr fiRst tiMe gOing oUt tOgetHer uSing pUbLic tRaNspOrt. hEhE. iNdeEd i eNjOyeD pRetty mUch. bOth oF uS weRe liKe "aNti-siNgApOre" fOr we didN't weAr rEd aNd wHite tHat dAy. hEh.

beLieVe it oR nOt. i DIDNT gO CHEEKIES oN fRiday!!! uNbeLieVabLE eH. well. i gUesS it'S dA pOweR oF lOve. hiAk~* hOweVer i stiLL wEnt cLubbiNg witH tEreNce hOney aNd hiS cOLLeagUes tO BAR NONE. whiCh iS LocAted at MarriOt HoTeL. hMmmm. i gUesS i wAs da yOungeSt iN thAt cLub. mAn aNd wOmen aLL iNsaNe. miGht b dA cauSe oF stResS at wOrk. huMpF! i'm cRapPiNg agAin...

MM day iS aRouNd dA coRner (wed 17th Aug) aNd i'm stiLL nOt sUre oF dA LamE daNce thiNgy. hiAk~*

i'vE stiLL gOtta tAke my mEch rE-teSt. hUmpf! gOne caSe.

ima waiting paitently for time to tick by
till i get to taste my honey baby


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