Wednesday, July 26

past betrayal - loved

Another old old poem i found while flipping through the pages of my Sealed Crimson Regret Book of Poems and Quotes.

it is never that purest kind
the kind which is not of lust
lust is just a yearning
that is perhaps born from hell

that kind im talking about is
that showers from heaven above
so pure i doubt it exists on earth
so pure it obviously didnt shower upon me
i am just the devilish kind

that was dipped into hell
the hell of lustful thirst
the hell of disgraceful yearnings
by a bunch of guys

who were supposed to be sent from heaven above
well maybe they were dipped in hell
but i guess they are hell itself

good nite people.

p.s. in case anyone was wondering i wrote this poem when i was still together with terence the prison officer. yeap. i was super negative at that time. not anymore.


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