Monday, March 14

not being able to meet my hubbilicious for da whole of sunday was simply intolerable. it felt as if i was being suffocated alive! yea yea. it's like 'wad da hell' huh. however i am oh-so-pleased by his morning calls and him callin jus to check that i'm in sch alrdy and that i hav drink water anot. all these small actions are simply so sweet. he really does sweeten my frickin bitter day. oh so love my Mister Gavian. grinz*

alrite. sometimes i wonder why some people will not take things easy and, u know, move on with life. hmm. i hav been through da stage of clingin onto my ex-guys, not wantin to let go, by constantly insultin and mockin them. however, as i mature through these years, i come to think that breakin up with a partner is part and parcel of life. some people get over it so quickly, which mayb kinda unbelievable to certain people. others may take a longer time. perhaps letting go earlier is just better than lingering on with all the frustrations bottled up within the tensed up relationship. i believe, or should i say, me and Gavian believe that if there's any problem within a relationship, there should b a heart-to-heart talk, and we both prefer to talk face-to-face. we arent those type of people who jus leave the problem there, go slp, then talk abt it da next day. we care's like so frickin appalling to not talk abt the existin problem in front of oneself.

when i was like much younger, (not sayin that i'm oh-so-old-and-matured alrite) i didnt wan to accept reality and move on with my life. rather i would find ways and means to get back with my previous guy. hiakz* i was so schemin in da past man. i suck huh. lol* well. finally i was waken from inside and was brought back to life, as in reality world. there's like not such thing of "takin a break" in a relationship and then go out with other guys alrite. even a 19rs old gurl knows this logic. humph* if one hav choosen to b attached to b it a guy or a gurl, it's like alrdy a committment and sorta a pledge being made, sub-consciencely. it's like not a choice given for one to accept this "pledge of love", it is jus there. from the lovey-dopey days to the rainy days, one will go through with one's partner. one cannot except that there will b like someone,waitin forever, to love one, to care for one and also shower one with infinate amount of attention, when one doesnt give a damn of wad da other party is feelin. that's like depriving the other party from findin his/her happiness. this is all simple logic that even i know of and thought so too.

perhaps some people thinks that life a bed of roses and one can jus jump into it and FOOSHO* hav everything one yearns for, turnin a blind eye to da other people ard and not being sensitive enough to wad's going on with the surroundin people's mind, how they feel and stuff. it is such a selfish act that's simply intolerable.

everyone hav got a life of their own and they can make their own choices. if one chooses to let go off one's comfort zone. one hav got to expect that it's jus gone. mayb one can try to take it as a blessin in disguise for one can hav all da fun and attention from the outside world one lives for.

i dunno y i m feelin so strongly for Gavian. it's like my first time that i feel like spendin my lifetime with him. everything abt him is jus so perfect. hmm. from his facial hair to his personality and also his perfect height. woot* he's like da missin piece in my incomplete puzzle. with him, my life is so complete. i do understand that he hav got other committments in his sch and stuff. thus i dun really expect him to like constantly call me or meet me. somehow both of us are inter-linked by some telepathy. hiakz* amazing huh. some ppl says that gurls my age r very unstable in their relationships as they tend to roam of different type of guys. however, i've found one who draws da circle clockwise with me. so do u think i need to roam ard? hiakz. it's a definate NO! yupz. i hav some much to say, yet so lil time. in simple words, come wad may i wanna spend my lifetime with Mister Gavian, my oneandonly beloved hubbilicious* love ya oh so muchy*


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